About us
The Astrolabe Publishing Ltd was founded on September 15, 2000. The primary initiator of creation of the publishing house was Oleh Feschowetz who held then the chair of assistant dean of Faculty of Philosophy of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv. The Philosophical Project Foundation became the second founder of the publishing house.
At inception, the publishing house focused on edition of literature from the field of humanitaristics oriented toward university circles. But gradually, taking into account an intense tendency of Ukrainian universities to focus narrowly on educational textbooks of their own authors as well as an obscure strategy in the system of edition of textbooks for secondary schools, the publishing house reoriented its publishing strategy with a focus on necessities of open market.
At present the publishing house edits literature of different genres, such as fiction, poetry, books on philosophy, psychology, history, political science, law, economics, arts etc.
As one of its important tasks the publishing house regards preparation of translations and edition of classic world heritage. It is works of fiction and professional literature. So today Ukrainian readers can read quite a bit of important classic texts thanks to our efforts. And recently we created the programme of edition of the modern European prose.
It is the special pride of the publishing house that most works by John Tolkien were published thanks to our continuous and systematic working. Publishing Ukrainian translations of this remarkable writer and thinker’s heritage was one of the publishing house’s aims as early as it was founded. And this work lasts to this day.
The publishing house makes a noticeable contribution in Ukrainian culture by editions of medieval and early modern literature which still remains difficult of access for our readers. New translations of The song of Roland, the Divine Comedy by Dante, the first Ukrainian translations of The Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer and an Old English epic Beowulf are already published, work on the translations of Latin and Middle High German book of poems Carmina Burana as well as other classic works of the old European literature is in progress.
As a significant trend of work of the Astrolabe Publishing one should consider military literature which we began to publish from 2009. Gradually our magazine, Lviv military almanac The Citadel, promoted forming a group of high-grade specialists in history and theory of military science that was a guaranty of unquestioned authority of our editions. And if at the beginning we were limited to publish books on military history only, then from 2014 we worked on the programme of publishing professional military literature called to strengthen defence capacity of the state.