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Actas del VI Congreso de Hispanistas de Ucrania, Mykolaiv, 25 y 26 de septiembre de 2015
Oleksandr Pronkevich, Kushnir O., (eds)

Election from A to Z: Election administrator’s desk book
Yuriy Shveda

Introduction to the History of Ukraine: Textbook
Andrij Zakalyuk

History of Ukraine. 1914–2014. Materials to the textbook for secondary schools

Ukrainian Territorial Management in Reformative Environment
Oleksandr Kuchabskyy

The First Polish Constitution (1791): Attempted Legal Analysis
Petro Stetsyuk

Herkunft und Zukunft. Festschrift anlasslich des 50-jahrigen Jubilaums der Apostolischen Exarchie fur katholische Ukrainer in Deutschland