MySQL error: Access denied for user 'astropub_db'@''. Account is locked. (SELECT id, CONCAT_WS(',', category, age , IF(price_p>0 AND (quantity IS NULL OR quantity>0), 3555, NULL), IF(price_e>0 OR price_am>0 OR price_gp>0 OR price_ib>0, 3556, NULL), IF(price_a>0, 3557, NULL), author_id, author_id2, series_type, shell_type) FROM product WHERE status<>9 AND status<>0)

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/astropub/ on line 431
MySQL error: Access denied for user 'astropub_db'@''. Account is locked. (SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS p.*, IF(p.status=6, 2, IF(p.status=5, 1, 0)) superpopular, IF(p.status=4, 1, 0) supernew, i.count_sale, IFNULL(p.name_en, AS name, IFNULL(p.description_en, p.description) AS description, IFNULL(p.text_en, p.text) AS text, IFNULL(p.recenz_en, p.recenz) AS recenz, IFNULL(p.author_desc_en,p.author_desc) AS author_desc, CONCAT_WS(',', category, age , IF(price_p>0 AND (quantity IS NULL OR quantity>0), 3555, NULL), IF(price_e>0 OR price_am>0 OR price_gp>0 OR price_ib>0, 3556, NULL), IF(price_a>0, 3557, NULL), author_id, author_id2, series_type, shell_type) AS filter FROM product AS p LEFT JOIN (SELECT product_id, SUM(count) count_sale FROM order_product GROUP BY product_id) i ON WHERE>0 AND p.status!=0 AND p.status!=9 AND ( FIND_IN_SET(3298, CONCAT_WS(',', category, age , IF(price_p>0 AND (quantity IS NULL OR quantity>0), 3555, NULL), IF(price_e>0 OR price_am>0 OR price_gp>0 OR price_ib>0, 3556, NULL), IF(price_a>0, 3557, NULL), author_id, author_id2, series_type, shell_type)) AND FIND_IN_SET(2291, CONCAT_WS(',', category, age , IF(price_p>0 AND (quantity IS NULL OR quantity>0), 3555, NULL), IF(price_e>0 OR price_am>0 OR price_gp>0 OR price_ib>0, 3556, NULL), IF(price_a>0, 3557, NULL), author_id, author_id2, series_type, shell_type)) OR FIND_IN_SET(2298, CONCAT_WS(',', category, age , IF(price_p>0 AND (quantity IS NULL OR quantity>0), 3555, NULL), IF(price_e>0 OR price_am>0 OR price_gp>0 OR price_ib>0, 3556, NULL), IF(price_a>0, 3557, NULL), author_id, author_id2, series_type, shell_type)) OR FIND_IN_SET(2310, CONCAT_WS(',', category, age , IF(price_p>0 AND (quantity IS NULL OR quantity>0), 3555, NULL), IF(price_e>0 OR price_am>0 OR price_gp>0 OR price_ib>0, 3556, NULL), IF(price_a>0, 3557, NULL), author_id, author_id2, series_type, shell_type)) OR FIND_IN_SET(2312, CONCAT_WS(',', category, age , IF(price_p>0 AND (quantity IS NULL OR quantity>0), 3555, NULL), IF(price_e>0 OR price_am>0 OR price_gp>0 OR price_ib>0, 3556, NULL), IF(price_a>0, 3557, NULL), author_id, author_id2, series_type, shell_type)) OR FIND_IN_SET(3386, CONCAT_WS(',', category, age , IF(price_p>0 AND (quantity IS NULL OR quantity>0), 3555, NULL), IF(price_e>0 OR price_am>0 OR price_gp>0 OR price_ib>0, 3556, NULL), IF(price_a>0, 3557, NULL), author_id, author_id2, series_type, shell_type))) GROUP BY ORDER BY supernew DESC, p.released DESC, p.released DESC LIMIT 0,8)
John Ronald Reuel Tolkien, Dante Alighieri, Larysa Krushelnytska, Igor Kaczurowskyj, Kevin Barry (Hardcover) - Astrolabe Publishing
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