The Waffen-SS 14th Grenadier Division

Additional information

Product code: 00329

ISBN: 978-617-664-251-0

Publish year: 2023

Series: The Command Officers’ Library

Genre: Military literature

Age categories: Adult

Cover: Hardcover

Amount: 880 pages

Size: 22×15 см

Illustrations: Black & white

The Waffen-SS 14th Grenadier Division "Galicia". 1943–1945
Michael O. Logusz

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Many still perceive the difficult fate of the Galicia Division, which became the first infantry division in the elite Waffen-SS and later turned into the 1st Ukrainian Division of the Ukrainian National Army, as well as its servicemen who sought to pave their own way in the struggle for the independence of Ukraine, through the ugly echo of Soviet propaganda or post-Soviet ignorance, provoking not only false assessments, but also discord. A military historian with 30 years of experience in the US Army, retired colonel Michael О. Logusz, based on a huge source base, including materials from the American intelligence, offers an unbiased view of the combat path of this unit. The book is addressed to researchers of political and military history, military personnel, volunteers, and everyone who is interested in military science and studies the impact of war on society.

About author
Colonel Michael Orest Logush (retired) is a military historian with 30 years of service in the regular US Army and its reserve. He was born in Syracuse, New York, in a family of emigrants from Ukraine. He earned a Bachelor of Arts degree from Oswego College, New York, and a Master of Arts degree in Russian-Soviet Studies from Hunter College, New York City. Logush underwent Army Basic Training and the US Army Military Police Academy in Fort McClellan, Alabama. He is a graduate of: the Sergeant Academy in Fort Knox, Kentucky; Officer Candidate School in Fort Benning, Georgia; the Armored Officers Basic and Armor Officers Advanced School also in Forth Knox; the U.S. Army Airborne (paratrooper) and Air Transport School of the U.S. Air Force school in Fort Benning; and various other officer schools to include the Command and General Staff College in Fort Leavenworth, Kansas. He served in West Point, New York; the 18th Airborne Corps of the Rapid Deployment Force (RDF), and participated in operation«Joint Endeavor» (Balkans, 1996) and «Iraqi Freedom» (2008‒2009). In 2006, served as an instructor at the NATO School in Oberammergau, Germany. He now resides in upstate New York, is engaged in the forestry business and is restoring a trapper's house from the middle of the 18th century in the middle of the forest. In addition to research on the Galicia Division, he is the author of several books on the history of the American Revolutionary War. More details
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