On Combat, On Killing (2 BOOKS)

Additional information

Product code: 00351

Publish year: 2024

Series: The Command Officers’ Library

Genre: Psychology, Military literature

Age categories: Adult

Cover: Hardcover

Amount: 1280 pages

Size: 20×13 см

On Combat, On Killing (2 BOOKS)
Dave Grossman, Loren Christensen

28.07 $ 25.26 $ Buy

On Combat: The Psychology and Physiology of Deadly Conflict in War and in Peace (720 p.)
What does happen to the human body under the influence of stress in a deadly encounter? What about the nervous system, heart, breathing, vision and hearing, and memory? What do modern warriors need to avoid reaching nervous exhaustion and continue fighting to survive and win? The authors of this book, Lieutenant Colonel Dave Grossman, a former U.S. Army Ranger and lecturer in psychology at West Point, and Loren Christensen, an experienced police officer and Vietnam War veteran, answer these and other questions facing combatants and law enforcement officers. The reader will learn about the psychological evolution of combat operations; about the development of techniques that increase the effectiveness of military personnel and their psychological endurance and help them to emerge from the toxic environment of deadly combat with a stronger body and spirit. The book is included in the list of recommended readings at the U.S. Military Academy and the FBI Academy.

On Killing: The Psychological Cost of Learning to Kill in War and Society (560 р.)
War and killing have accompanied people throughout history. Moreover, with the development of civilisation, hostilities become more intense, and battlefields often turn into places of mass hecatombs. So can we define a man as a born mass murderer? Former U.S. Army Ranger and West Point psychology professor Lieutenant Colonel Dave Grossman denies this idea. Offering a systematic study of the nature of killing, he argues that most of us avoid killing, and that the increasing number of casualties in modern warfare is more likely a consequence of the development of training methods and technologies that make military personnel more efficient and destructive. But there is another side to this intensification: overcoming the instinctive hatred of killing through modern methods of military training has led to an increase in combat stress, and the rates of casualties from psychological trauma have become comparable to those from gunshot wounds. Moreover, modern media products, in which producers imitate military training methods, contribute to the growth of violence in society. All of this obviously requires a serious rethinking of both the problem of killing in general and our attitude towards people who are taught to kill. The book is based on numerous interviews and the results of modern psychological, tactical and historical research. It is included in the list of recommended reading in the US Marine Corps.
About author
A retired U.S. Army Lieutenant Colonel and one of the world’s leading experts in military psychology, human aggression, and the origins of violent crime. He is a U.S. Army Ranger, a paratrooper, and a former West Point Psychology Professor. More details
A recognized expert on martial arts, self-defense, street gangs, and police survival. He retired from the Portland, Oregon Police Bureau in 1997 after 29 years of law enforcement, including three years in the U.S. Army Military Police, during which he also served in Vietnam. He has testified in courts as an expert on police use of force. Since retiring, he has devoted his time to martial arts training and his writing career. He is currently the author of about 70 published books, including not only specialized literature on martial arts, police methods, PTSD, mental preparation for violence, exercise, military subculture, etc., but also works of fiction, three of which have become bestsellers. More details
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