The Citadel: Lviv Military Almanac № 18

Additional information

Product code: 00277

ISBN: 2074-0921

Publish year: 2020

Genre: Military literature, Periodicals

Age categories: Adult

Cover: Paperback

Amount: 116 pages

Size: 24×17 см

Illustrations: Colour and Black & white

The Citadel: Lviv Military Almanac № 18

Editorial staff: Oleh W. Feschowetz, Alexander H. Diedyk, Mykhailo W. Slobodyanyuk
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Military and historic periodical (founded in 2009) aimed to consider important military and political events that produced a notable impact on development of culture and arts, science and technologies, and warfare in Ukraine. In this issue: Polish-Soviet war of 1919–1920 from Ukrainian point of view; role of the cavalry in 1920 campaign; history of otaman Sheparovych’s cavalry brigade; political infl uence on the Soviet strategy during Lviv operation (August 1920); could Red cavalry win battle of Lviv?; «Polish Th ermopylae»: myth and reality; description of the uniform of the Kamianets Infantry School (1920); insignia of units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine to commemorate traditions of the Ukrainian Revolution 1917–1920.
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