The Citadel: Lviv Military Almanac. Year 2011, Part 1 (5)

Additional information

Product code: 00101

ISBN: 2074-0921

Publish year: 2011

Genre: History, Military literature, Periodicals

Age categories: Adult

Cover: Paperback

Amount: 124 pages

Size: 24×17 см

Illustrations: Colour and Black & white

The Citadel: Lviv Military Almanac. Year 2011, Part 1 (5)

Editorial staff: Oleh W. Feschowetz, Alexander H. Diedyk, Mykhailo W. Slobodyanyuk
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Military and historic periodical aimed to consider important military and political events that produced a notable impact on development of culture and arts, science and technologies, and warfare in Ukraine. In this issue: continuation of the research on the Battle of Galicia in 1809; materials about the history of the Secrete Service of the Ukrainian Galician Army; the Ukrainian Armed Clandestine Resistance to collectivization in 1940s; little known biographical facts about a Brigade Commander of the Ukrainian Galician Army Osyp Bukshovany; Polish Guard`s Mounted Artillery in a picture collection of Lviv historical museum; symbols of the Air Forces units of the Ukrainian Military Forces; controversial materials concerning the origin of a song that was sung before the Battle of Grunwald-Tannenberg in 1410.
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