Additional information
Product code: 00131
Publish year: 2016
Genre: Fiction literature
Age categories: Adult
Cover: Hardcover
Amount: 256 pages
Size: 20×13 см
Love and Pedagogy: A novel Miguel de Unamuno
6.64 $
Love and Pedagogy (1902) by a renowned Spanish writer, philosopher and politician Miguel de Unamuno y Jugo (1864–1936) belongs to the number of the best European psychological novels and at the same time is one of the fi rst examples of this genre. The convinced progressist and admiring adorer of the newest pedagogics Avito Carrascal wants to push the limits of traditional methods of education and, thanks to application of achievements of modern sociology and rational alteration of his own family’s life, create a genius. His own son Apolodoro becomes a «guinea-pig» of his scientific experiment.