Studies on scars: Publicistic essays

Additional information

Product code: 00049

ISBN: 978-617-664-029-5

Publish year: 2013

Genre: Journalism

Age categories: Adult

Cover: Hardcover

Amount: 132 pages

Size: 21×13.5 см

Illustrations: Black & white

Studies on scars: Publicistic essays
Михайло Присяжний

Prysiazhnyy M. P.
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«Studies on scars» are intent look of a profi cient journalist, scientist, public person on Ukrainian reality of today. The author successfully combines his own experience, historical facts, draws unexpected parallels and appropriate comparisons in the analysis of the diffi cult processes of creation of the state, cherishing of national identity, becoming of university education and science. His recitals of his friends and relatives are imbued with the special sincerity and trembling. For the wide circle of readers.
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