Ukrainian Land Forces: The 8th Army Corps, its History and Symbols

Additional information

Product code: 00102

ISBN: 978-966-8657-51-1

Publish year: 2011

Genre: Military literature

Age categories: Adult

Cover: Paperback

Amount: 226 pages

Size: 24×17 см

Illustrations: Colour and Black & white

Ukrainian Land Forces: The 8th Army Corps, its History and Symbols
Myhajlo Slobodianiuk

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This book is a part of a great original project that purposes to cover a complicated process of formation of the Land Forces as a unit of Ukrainian Army Forces since the time when Ukraine gained its independence. It is the first book in Ukrainian historiography in which their history, organization, and symbols are shown in full. Basing on the rich personal experience and using a bulk of archival materials, a unique collection of military symbols and other sources an author studies the origin and a process of establishing of the military symbols in 1994–2010. He pays special attention to the history and symbols of the 8th Order of the Red Banner Army Corps of a Quick Deployment Units of the Land Forces — the leading military formation of modern Ukrainian Army.
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