Combat technique. Volumes 1-3 (5 BOOKS)

Additional information

Product code: 00321

ISBN: 978-617-664-074-5

Publish year: 2022

Series: Hans von Dach in Ukrainian, The Command Officers’ Library

Genre: Military literature

Age categories: Adult

Cover: Paperback

Amount: 952 pages

Size: 20×13 см

Illustrations: Black & white

Combat technique. Volumes 1-3 (5 BOOKS)
Hans von Dach

32.55 $ 27.67 $ Buy
A fundamental Swiss manual on accidence of army combat by the author of Total Resistance. The technics of modern combat and command of military units, intelligence service and counter-sabotage, special aspects of weapon employment, building fortifications and engineer obstacles, rules of organizing movement and accomodation, army supply, sanitary service, military schooling, etc are described here in detail and in layman’s terms. The professional though passionate text by a military expert and patriot has the mighty potential and may be easily digested being completed with drafts, diagrams and tables. The manual is intended for military officers, sergeants and common soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine as well as all those who would like to prepare in the proper way to defend their country against an adversary’s aggression and increase their chances of surviving in combat. In this section the basic principles of service organization, combat training as well as the technique of issuance of an order are revealed.
About author
Hans von Dach (1927–2003), a major of Swiss army, military theorist, author of numerous works on tactics, in particular army manuals. In 1970–1980s he works in Education Section of Swiss Defence Department. More details
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